Bare, honest and unfiltered...
like the cathartic sessions between an ex-virgin and her therapist.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Limbo - Living the Flexible Dream

Every few years or so I get antsy and my gut says "time to pack it in and move it on out." 

I despise all things stagnant. I need to know I'm making a difference, getting ahead, moving forward for the better. Sure, I can suck it up... provided it's for a worthwhile end goal. I've always been an "all or nothing" kind of being...can't imagine being anything else.

My landlords hiked my lease again. Twelve hundred for a 1 bedroom. Utilities are additional. No thank you... Packed up all mine and my little girl's things and drove a grizzly 4 days to land us out here in the Midwest where the housing market is proving a mere fraction of what I've had to endure these last several years in the Pacific NW. Why Ohio? my cousin puts it "Toledo sets their bar so low, anyone can succeed."   He's right too.  I'm starting over from scratch having had to sell and give away the vast majority of my possessions in the efforts to travel light. aka. Cramming everything into my Hyundai Accent hatchback to eliminate the need for a $1,500. U-Haul.  

So here we are - just the two of us; new job for me and a new school for my little sweet pea.  Now if only, to soon transition out of 'guest mode' amidst my Aunt's benevolent generosity and finally get us into our own place again!  "Dear Santa..."

My Aunt offered me an incredible opportunity - to move out to Ohio, live in her quaint little house "rent free" for about 4-6 months. Just long enough to get back on my feet and sock away money for a down payment on a house. Auntie H works as a realtor. She's a bit of a newby but she's learning the ropes and feels she could help with my getting into a home for me and my kiddo. I'm looking for a fixer-upper.  Sounds like I got everything I need handed to me right?! 


I was disheartened to learn of some seriously sinister facts after I had accepted such generosity of opportunity and a 'genuine leg up' out of my dog-paddling approach to my circumstances due to constant financial limitations... 
Basically what it boils down to is this: My Aunt raised 6 children amidst sexual deviants and did not listen or protect her OWN KIDS from being sexually molested for years.  Perversely enough, she is ALL OVER the whole #MeeToo movement. Acts like Judge Kavanaugh is despicable....etc.

What a FUCKING HYPOCRITE - here I am LIVING with a sexually abusive enabler who by the way, is ALL about church and "PTL" (praise the lord) "God is just so good." 

I have a 7 yr old daughter and I DO NOT want to be here any longer than I absolutely have to!!!!  Someone get us the FUCK out of here!!   *Sigh*.   Thus the urgency to ditch this 'incredibly fucked "generous opportunity".'

My Auntie's story on how shit went down completely differs from what my cousins (her now fully grown children) have clarified for me.  It's all I can do to be civil toward her.  I am utterly repulsed by her self-righteous opinion of herself and her ability to sleep at night KNOWING full well that she allowed her ex husband and her own father to sexual abuse her children time and time again. And now here she is, using me to pull in my cousins for 'family time' when they can barely stomach her existence. She utterly disgusts me.

Just 2 more months... shine on a little longer and I'll get us out of this fucked up 'family hospitality'.